Mass Alert - Public Alerting Dissemination Solution

Public warning and informing take an important role in time of disaster. Effective risk management is not possible without an efficient way to warn and inform population about the dangerous situation and actions that should be taken to avoid or minimize the consequences. The importance of public warning was admitted in legislative documents of EU, where European Commission stated Article 110 of European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) the compulsory “Public Warning System” obligation for member countries. EU Member States have a duty to ensure availability of effective Public Warning System (PWS) by June 2022.
The sirens, TV, radio and other means of communication cannot guarantee tolerable emergency warning results, as it is either not enough informative either hardly accessible in time of crisis. Also important that such means cannot inform about minor accidents, such as increased solar activity or potentially dangerous wind. There were a lot of projects and activities in order to find effective way to inform population, such as European Union projects “Chorist” and “EU-Alert”. The main goal was to find a conventional technology that could meet majority of the requirements for emergency communications. CellBroadcast technology was highlighted as one of the solutions that could effectively supplement existing warning systems:
• uses existing cellular communication technology;
• receivers – cellular handsets and gadgets are always available with people;
• Cell Broadcast enables to send informative warning messages to all population in few minutes;
• Cell Broadcast does not overload cellular networks and also isn’t affected by network congestions, which usually appear in time of disaster.

NT Service presents MassAlert™ system which utilizes advanced technologies and enables government efficiently warn and inform population in time of crisis. Solution is based on messaging via cellular networks using Cell Broadcast technology.
MassAlert™ key features:
• Area based broadcasting – ability to send alert messages to entire country, single region or selected zone by integrated Geographical Information Subsystem tools;
• Predefined messages for possible emergency situations and dangerous objects;
• Secure access solutions for interconnection between system users and operators;
• Hierarchical user right management and distributed architecture allowing multiple authorities to utilize system features depending on administrative division and responsibilities;
• Distributed alerting authorities option allowing operations from multiple authorities;
• Proven interoperability with different cellular technologies (2G, 3G, 4G) and network equipment vendors (Nokia, Huawei, Ericsson, etc..);
• High availability redundant architecture. Complies to EU-ALERT and CMAS requirements for emergency communications.