NT Service has experience and many successful deployments of detecting, jamming and cellular communication intercepting solutions for prison and jailing facilities, military and low enforcement applications. Systems can be installed stationary or provided as tactical solutions with custom designed covert options.

DETECTION – a call prevention approach, that is not under regulation and does not require special licensing. Solution allows to detect if someone is using mobile communications in prohibited areas. Detectors can be installed in buildings or near individual rooms or prison cells. Advanced monitoring software shows location of active detectors and allows to find illegitimate devices. Detection can be used in combination with jamming – jammers are activated only upon detection of mobile usage.
JAMMING – simplest and effective solution for individual buildings and/or territories, where is a need to block selected mobile or wireless access technologies. NT Service provides solutions based on professional hardware and RF chain, that allows to achieve very high signal quality and block exact frequency range, without causing interference to mobile operators and other technologies.
INTERCEPTION – advanced Intel solutions, that allow not only mobile call prevention but provides different intelligent tools for detecting, finding and blocking mobiles phones. It also allows gathering different intel information including interception of SMS and calls.